What is the bloody bath mat?
You've discovered the perfect bloody Halloween decoration. This color changing mat turns red when wet. Leave a trail of “blood” across the bath mat after every shower!
As seen on TikTok, Snapchat & Instagram.
How does it work?
Step on the Bloody Bath Mat® with your damp feet or hands. The magic bloody color is only activated by water. Perfect for the bathroom!
"Blood" appears
The touch from your body after the shower will start to change the color of the mat to blood red under your feet. You must see this in action!
Hide it anywhere
Put this gory Halloween decoration anywhere for a spooky prank! Leave a trail of bloody footprints or handprints. Available in multiple sizes.
See this bloody decoration in action!
@claree143 oh it’s spooky szn YEAR ROUND baby! 👻 #bloodymat #showermat #halloween #spookyszn ♬ It Came - Isaiah Takahashi

World famous
Home of the WORLD FAMOUS HIT PRODUCT as seen onTikTok, Snapchat & Instagram. The magic red color is only activated by water, so place this bath mat in your bathroom and wait for the reaction.
Bloody Mat® (lg)